Survey Results of Maestro Customers

From the survey of about 20 people, I can say that most of Maestro's customers, are above the age of 46, mostly home makers, and female.

77% of them found out about the Maestro through friends and relatives. And below are their reasons for purchasing the Maestro, as well as what they use it for.

As you can see, the highest rated reason is because they know steam cooking is the healthier way of cooking. When asked what features they liked the most here are the top four-
1.Food is cooked in a healthy way, retaining nutrients
2.Does not need constant supervision
3.Taste and texture of food cooked
4.Reheating of food

These answers give me and idea and direction as to what sells about the product, and what makes customers choose it over the others.

The final question asked was-

Saving gas is becoming increasingly important, especially with the talks about raising gas prices, and offering subsidized prices only on a limited number of cylinders provided to households per year.

For further information on that, please see-§ionName=TheWeek%20Business&programId=1073754899&contentId=9746335

POSTED BY jus me

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