Customer Survey

This time, the survey was for the Users of the Maestro. The company does not have many customers email IDs, but what they did have was people's phone numbers. It is good that I got to speak to so many of the customers, because I got better idea of what they liked about the product. One lady was so happy to talk to me (as I represented the product) we had a nice long chatty session for almost half an hour about her views on the product. Sure she tried to be as critical as possible... but it's safe to say the likes out weighed the 'could be improved' points.
So far, the responses to the survey itself, haven't been too many, but I hope I get enough soon.
While thinking up this survey, one of my main concerns was, that I should be able to get the information that I need with as few questions as possible, no one likes a long survey.
What I wanted to know was basically what attracted these customers to the product. A lot of people I spoke to, said that they absolutely love the product. They said they wish more people would use it, and some of them had referred the product, to as many as 10-20 new customers.
I can tell that right now, a lot of awareness of the product is through word of mouth.

I can't help but feel, that most people don't want to accept this change that Maestro helps bring about. Even though they SAY they would change their way of cooking if it was healthier, I am not sure how many people would actually DO it.
I say this because, I have spoken to people who have been given this product as a gift, but still haven't used it. For whatever reason. They have been TOLD it's healthier from themselves and their families... yet they do not want to change their ways.
I feel like the change has to come from within. Sometimes being handed a tool to a healthier life on a silver platter just isn't enough. It would be a real challenge to get these people to use this product and SEE the benefits from themselves. Until they do, they just won't know...

Also from the results of the previous survey so far, I am not completely sure people understand the concept of steam cooking, they tend to mix it up with rice cookers and what the rice cooker can do.
The insights from the user survey will give me a good idea of what the customers think is the USP of the product, and that will help me think of ways to bring it across in the identity.
At this point though I still feel like the concept of steam cooking really needs to come across.

POSTED BY jus me

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