Results on the questionnaire for non-users

The total number of people that answered this questionnaire were 86 in number, I sent this survey out to as many people as I could, and asked them to send it to more people they might know. Aiming to get results from a mixed bag of people, which I think I achieved.

Here are the kinds of people that responded.

From the below graph we can see that the most important thing people want from their cooking appliance is Healthy food, as well as food that tastes good. Secondary is unattended cooking along with the price of the appliance, which apparently, isn't so important.

Here is their perception of a steam cooker... A majority of them feel like it retains the nutrients of the food, as well as is a more cost effective way of cooking.
However they still feel like the gas stove is the most economical to use.

And here are some final questions

Surprisingly now-a-days people would rather shop online (14%) as opposed to going to a dealer outlet (10.5%).
The information I have gathered from this survey gives me a better idea of what customers are looking for when they go shopping for an appliance, as well as what healthy, economical cooking is to them.
I have a feeling that most of them are still not aware of steam cookers and how they are different from rice cookers.

POSTED BY jus me

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